Hello there 👋

I'm Tim Wibiral

Data Scientist | Software Developer | AI Enthusiast

About me

Passionate about excellent software, interpretable machine learning and the future of AI. Especially interested in the foundational mechanisms behind neural networks and the ethical implications of AI.

I recently finished my master's thesis on LossVal, an efficient data valuation method for neural networks, in collaboration with Porsche AG.



What I am reading


LossVal: Efficient Data Valuation for Neural Networks
arxiv preprint (2024)
Weighted Pairwise Difference Learning*
LWDA’24: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen. September 23–25, 2024, Würzburg, Germany (2024)
Examining the Role of Genuine Emotions for Trustworthy AI
HAI '23: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (2023)
JavaCHR – A Modern CHR-Embedding in Java
Bachelor's Thesis (2022)


Software Projects

Showroom for Computer Vision Filters

Website that shows the effects of different images noises and filters when they are combined. Link to the website: tim-wibiral.de/ComputerVisionShowroom GitHub: github.com/twibiral/ComputerVisionShowroom